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Text Decoration

Controls the text decoration of an element.

Class Properties


text-decoration: none;


text-decoration: underline;


This example sets the text decoration to none. The text will be displayed without any decoration.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

<div class="bg-l-indigo-6 p-4 rad-1">
<p class="bg-white fs-sm p-4 rad-1 ta-c tc-lead td-none">The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.</p>


This example sets the text decoration to underline. The text will be displayed with an underline.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

<div class="bg-l-indigo-6 p-4 rad-1">
<p class="bg-white fs-sm p-4 rad-1 ta-c tc-lead td-u">The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.</p>

Conditional styles

Learn how to override existing utilities based on the user's screen size or other factors, such as hover states.

Media modifiers

You can combine responsive breakpoints like sm:td-*,md:td-*, lg:td-*, and xxl:td-* allows targeting specific utilities in different viewports.

<div class="td-none md:td-u ..."></div>
Hover modifiers

Alternatively, you can apply :hover by using h:td-* utility to override elements and change their values when hovering over them.

<div class="td-none h:td-u ..."></div>