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Get ready for the next version of Yumma CSS, which is going to be amazing!

Yumma CSS and Svelte

How to add Yumma CSS to your project with Svelte.

  1. Install Yumma CSS:

    Install the Yumma CSS Library using a package manager.

    Installing dependencies...
    npm i yummacss@latest
  2. Add yummacss to your main CSS file:

    Create a new /src/global.css file

    /* Minified Version */
    @import "/node_modules/yummacss/dist/yumma.min.css";
  3. Import the CSS file

    Create a /src/routes/+layout.svelte file

    import "../global.css";
    <slot />
  4. Start development server

    Start your application using npm run dev.

    npm run dev
  5. Use Yumma CSS in your project:

    You’re all set to start using Yumma CSS utility classes in your project.

    <div class="h-1/1 ins">
    <h1 class="fs-xxl fw-500 tc-pink">Yumma CSS + Svelte</h1>

Project example

If you’re having trouble with Yumma CSS, clone this Svelte example.

  1. Cloning repository

    Cloning repository...
    git clone
  2. Installing dependencies

    Installing dependencies...
    npm install
  3. Start development server

    npm run dev